Christmas Tea

A Lovely Christmas Tea
New this year from Old McDonald’s Farm, Inc.
Enjoy a beautiful, small, intimate High Tea with your family and friends. We will bring a lovely Christmas Tea to your place or ours…on a date that works for you. Please help our non-profit, children’s program to scholarship low-income children by making a generous donation of $350 or more. If each person in your group of eight gave a small, year-end contribution and filled up one Christmas Tea, those funds could sponsor two children to go to our Summer Programs next year.
As a thank you to you for your generous donation, we will bring the High Tea to you. We will decorate for the Tea, bring the décor, bring the servers, the table, table cloth, chairs, beautiful tea cups and saucers, tea and pots, beautiful, fancy food, etc. all for up to eight (8) people. This is a new and unique opportunity just for you and your family or friends. Help us help children and feel good about making a tax-deductible donation to our local non-profit, children’s charity.
OMF, Inc. is a grass-roots program that serves Portland area children. We use farm animals, gardens and rich, natural resources to teach children and reach their hearts with valuable, life lessons that help them be kind, capable, respectful, hardworking and resilient. Animals (including horses and our cow), gardens and the environment are good teachers in reaching the heads and hearts of our children. It is just is an expensive way to teach children; housing and feeding 34 farm animals is lovely but expensive. There are many worthwhile life lessons that are taught in working through our academic activities and curriculum. Please help us help our local kids in this amazing and unique way.
We will only be able to do four of these Christmas Teas during the holiday/winter season. Your early reply gets you the choice of the best and available dates.
Please contact us.
We thank you. Happy Holiday Season to you!
Stephanie D. Rickert, M.A.T.
Executive Director
Old McDonald’s Farm, Inc.