Summer Program – Session 5, “Dachshund Dogger Week,”, Aug. 7-10, 2023
Get out of the city and grow, learn and thrive at our educational Farm Program for children. Enjoy one of six weeks of The Summer Program and participate in hands-on, educational activities with more than 30+ farm animals including chickens, geese, goats, sheep, rabbits, pig, horses, donkey, pony, and cats and dogs too! Learn the care and maintenance of each of the farm animals and get active with gardening, game time, learn to ride a horse and more. Academics are important; the entire program is taught by an experienced, Oregon State Certified Teacher with over 40 years of livestock experience. We are a non-profit, children’s program with a goal to “teach and reach” children and youth.
Parents/Guardians Please Note:
- With staffing shortages last summer and also it is super hard to find skilled help for our educational Farm Program with the required skill set needed, we are only offering Monday-Thursday programs this summer.
- Our programs are not a “camp” but an academic and skill building program and each day builds on the knowledge that they learned the day before. If your child misses a day, they will miss a great deal of information and then will be at a disadvantage. Please join us all four days.
- Friends and Family please join us on Thursdays at 2.00 sharp for the Presentations for the Parents. End time is 3.15-3.30.
For students going into 2nd-6th grades in the Fall of 2023. 18 students max. $299 per week. $58 for the bus.
You must be an adult and over the age of 18 to fill out this registration information below. Only adults can register their child that is under the age of 18.
Session Full
The Bus for Old McDonald’s Farm, Inc. (OMF) parking is now at Concorde Career College, 1425 NE Irving St, Portland OR 97232. You can enter on NE 15th/Irving where it is paved. Head north under the building and then turn right. Head east to the back of the property away from all of those buildings. Look for our white bus and the really, really, big, old Crimson tree in the middle. Concorde Career College has kindly offered this drop off/pick up space to us but please be respectful and do not linger there because we do not want to take up their student parking. They have asked us to drive slowly and watch out for the young people “racing in there” that are late for classes. Please drive super slowly and be careful as it is tight and there are many pedestrians. PLEASE DO NOT DRIVE DOWN THE GRAVEL ROAD AT CONCORDE COLLEGE. There is no access for parents on the gravel road even though our OMF bus will drive on it. If parents drive on the gravel road, we may lose this parking privilege at Concorde. (The bus is too tall to fit under the buildings.)
Thank you to the kind folks at Concorde Career College for this!